Every day I take in entirely too much information. I remember it, I process it (sometimes), I store it.....
And then what?
Lately, the information just stays there. At best it gets bounced off a roommate or a boyfriend or a best friend or a cat. The cat prefers I utilize options a-c to their fullest. I have found that I have forgotten how to breathe out information in a meaningful way. At one time, I would have said this state of affairs was absolutely toxic; maybe it was. Now, it is simply heavy. My mind gets enamoured with all the details of lives and opinions and facts from, for and about others, and I forget that I too can contribute. I should contribute. Like animals and plants. Animals (including we humans) breathe in a mixture of various gases, use the oxygen and breathe out the carbon dioxide. Plants do just the opposite in a sense. For life, we all need to breathe in and breathe out.
So starting small. A blog. Little posts, little writings, little artworks until I regain my 'lung capacity'. I hope and pray that before long, there will be some air worth breathing in here.
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